Local Law 11

Local Law 11 is a New York City regulation that requires buildings over six stories to have their facades inspected and maintained every 5 years to ensure they are safe and secure. The law requires building owners to conduct an inspections of their facades every five years, including the roof, cornices, and other exterior features, and to make any necessary repairs to address any hazardous conditions. The law also requires building owners to file periodic reports with the city, certifying that their facades have been inspected and that any necessary repairs have been made. Building owners who fail to comply with Local Law 11 can be fined, and the city can take legal action to force compliance.

Starr Restoration can assist building owners in complying with Local Law 11 requirements in New York City by providing comprehensive facade inspections with an engineer, repairs and maintenance services. We can also help building owners develop a maintenance plan to ensure the building remains in compliance with Local Law 11 over time.